westcalxvandy listen to some good music
eytang8@yahoo.com like what?
westcalxvandy like the street fighter theme music
eytang8@yahoo.com wat
eytang8@yahoo.com wat
eytang8@yahoo.com wat
eytang8@yahoo.com Is this supposed to be a joke?
eytang8@yahoo.com I think it's a joke
eytang8@yahoo.com definitely a joke
westcalxvandy the joke is a lie.
eytang8@yahoo.com The joke is a SHUT UP
eytang8@yahoo.com 90% of the time, I'm not actually listening to the song in my status
eytang8@yahoo.com and it just happens to be the last thing I played before stopping
westcalxvandy I'm tired, angry and feeling ridiculously stupid.
eytang8@yahoo.com go to sleep
eytang8@yahoo.com chill
eytang8@yahoo.com and feel smarter in the morning
westcalxvandy and the drinking age is still 5 and a half years away
eytang8@yahoo.com Well adjusted people substitute talking their problems out for drinking
westcalxvandy Well adjusted people don't need to talk or drink...
westcalxvandy or they're not really well adjusted anymore.
eytang8@yahoo.com everyone needs to talk
westcalxvandy Everyone needs to shut up...
eytang8@yahoo.com aww
eytang8@yahoo.com I think you need a hug
westcalxvandy I think I need some ritalin, a good book, a chiropractor, a prostitute, some Bob Dylan, another good book, and my ukulele.
westcalxvandy In that order.
eytang8@yahoo.com Why ritalin?
westcalxvandy concentration.
westcalxvandy brain feels like it's swimming in a barrel of pickled eggs.
eytang8@yahoo.com get sleep
westcalxvandy won't fix it.
westcalxvandy that ain't a unit test.
eytang8@yahoo.com How do you know?
westcalxvandy would have been fixed
westcalxvandy wanna wait 20 more minutes
westcalxvandy michio is gonna strike up a stupid argument with me on facebook.
eytang8@yahoo.com no he isn't
eytang8@yahoo.com oh wait
eytang8@yahoo.com maybe
westcalxvandy oh look...
westcalxvandy a new notification
eytang8@yahoo.com and how will you reply?
westcalxvandy dunno
westcalxvandy gonna try and make this last as long as possible
westcalxvandy because I know Mitchell
westcalxvandy and he'd keep this up as long as he can
westcalxvandy because he thinks I'm retarded
westcalxvandy which is debatable
eytang8@yahoo.com very much so
westcalxvandy I'd argue for it.
eytang8@yahoo.com in what way are you retarded?
westcalxvandy My opinions don't follow any logic and my arguments fail to make any valid points.
eytang8@yahoo.com that's how arguments go
westcalxvandy no.
westcalxvandy that's how bad arguments go.
westcalxvandy from a bad arguer.
westcalxvandy I can't make an argument because I can't use logic.
eytang8@yahoo.com you can if you want to
eytang8@yahoo.com try it
westcalxvandy Because I'm slow in making an argument...
westcalxvandy lol
westcalxvandy facebook arguments suck
eytang8@yahoo.com great
westcalxvandy lorl
westcalxvandy I got shoved out of the argument
eytang8@yahoo.com imma go collapse now
westcalxvandy my plan
westcalxvandy as well
eytang8@yahoo.com coo'
westcalxvandy night
westcalxvandy <3
westcalxvandy u
eytang8@yahoo.com I love you too